Vote Russ Diamond for State Representative.As your State Representative, it's been an honor and privilege to serve you, and I have worked hard to be a strong advocate for Lebanon County values in Harrisburg.

I led the legislative charge against Tom Wolf's Covid-related lockdowns in 2020 and as a result, Pennsylvania became the only state in the nation to reduce a governor's emergency powers.

I've been intimately involved in the fight for election integrity in Pennsylvania, and have earned the honor of serving as the House Republican Caucus' voice on the Joint State Government Commission's Election Law Advisory Board.

And of course, I have consistently voted against wasteful spending and in favor of protecting life and your 2nd Amendment rights.

In 2024 I am seeking to earn your vote and continue to represent you in Harrisburg, but I can't do it without your help. I humbly ask for your support and your vote on Tuesday, November 5th.
Russ Diamond

Click here to follow my campaign on Facebook

The 102nd District

102nd District map.
Click for larger image.

The 102nd Legislative District includes Annville, Bethel, Cold Spring, East Hanover, Heidelberg, Jackson, Millcreek, North Annville, North Londonderry, Swatara, and Union townships as well as the boroughs of Cleona, Jonestown, Myerstown, Palmyra and Richland.

Click the play button to play my new music video!

Support the WINNING Team

I'd greatly appreciate your support as I continue to faithfully represent the hard working people of the 102nd District.

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We ask for everyone's shipping address for campaign finance reporting purposes. To contribute by other methods or with different amounts, please click here.

Mandated Notice

Candidates and their committees are required to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer information for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $250.00 in a calendar year. We choose to collect this information for all contributions in order to ease compliance.

The Pennsylvania Election Code prohibits contributions to a candidate or a candidate's committee from the general treasury funds of any national or state bank or any corporation or unincorporated association, with the specific exception of political committees, or any person contributing another person's funds or on behalf of any third party

The IRS requires us to print "contributions are not tax-deductible" on all fundraising appeals.

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