Vote Russ Diamond for State Representative

The New Normal Pennsylvania Really Needs

June 8, 2020

The last three months have been hell in Pennsylvania, to say the least. As our collective nightmare begins to end, the Wolf Administration has floated the term "new normal" into the conversation of what our Commonwealth will look like. I don't disagree that after this we need a new normal, but it isn't anything like what the Governor imagines. In fact, his errors in judgment and obtuse policies during the COVID-19 disaster emergency were so horrific that he should surrender any authority over what comes next.

The new normal I envision is a Keystone State where no single individual can EVER torture our entire population like this again. What we need is a modern-day Declaration of Independence and Equality. Just as Pennsylvania was the hub of activity leading to freedom from the chains of King George III and his successors, we should once again lead the way in re-establishing Liberty and escaping the chains of King Thomas I and his potential successors.

Below are a few policy points I believe need to be included in our new Declaration of Independence and Equality. I already have legislation introduced or drafted to address some of these points, while I am working on legislation for others. I am also open to additional suggestions as to how to reform our Commonwealth to make sure Liberty and Equality are safe from tyranny.

These are just some of the paths I believe need to be traveled to create a proper new normal in Pennsylvania. We need to have serious discussions about big ideas to ensure the general, great and essential principles of liberty and free government shall be recognized and unalterably re-established. We need to enact policies to enhance, rather than to restrict, the Liberty of the 12.8 million citizens of this Commonwealth.
State Representative Russ Diamond

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